We produce the hogs and cattle that go into your favorite meal. This is a discussion of farming and food along with the rest of the agriculture industry.
Sunday, December 18, 2016
Remember the Good Old Days

Thursday, January 28, 2016
Picking Presidents is like Picking Corn

Iowa’s demographics may not be as diverse as the rest of the country, but we still have a good cross section of people with common sense. Iowa’s economy is growing more diverse. It hosts a strong financial and insurance industry and a growing tech industry along with agriculture. It has a high percentage of small business owners including our farmers which makes taxes and regulations an important issue. Iowa has a lot of varying views on Presidential qualities. Neither party dominates in the state, just look at two of the country’s longest serving US Senators Tom Harkin (D), recently retired, and Charles Grassley(R) who have both been supported by voters since the early 1980’s. The Iowa Statehouse is split as is our US Congressional delegation.
Flyover State, America’s Heartland, and the Midwest a place where folks cling to their guns and Bibles are anecdotes that have been used to describe Iowa during election cycles. Iowa represents the best of America, we still hold many of the traditional values our country was founded upon, but we also have many voters that are more liberal in their views- after all someone must still subscribe to the Des Moines Register. The coasts where the population is dense fret a lot about Iowa’s first in the nation position for Presidential nominations. Our unique caucus system puts pressure on candidates to visit and meet citizens. All of the robo-calls in the world are worthless in Iowa if you have not had a town hall meeting at the Pizza Ranch or community center. Iowans value their opportunity to grill the candidates on food, farm, and issues important to rural Americans.
The caucus gives Iowans an important role in “thinning the herd” each Presidential election cycle. Iowa has also been a breath of life to campaigns like Barack Obama and Jimmy Carter, both of whom were struggling until caucus supporters turned out for them. The Iowa Caucus gives us a chance to flex some muscle into the selection process for President. Each of us should take this opportunity seriously.
We have our issues to evaluate candidates on, and we should also look at the issues that are important to agriculture. If Iowa doesn’t who will? What are the candidates’ position on the farm bill, clean water act, federal budget, international trade, renewable energy, taxes, and biotechnology labeling? A lot of these topics aren’t in the debates or advertisements, but they impact us nearly every day. On caucus night don’t stop with the vote, speak up at the meeting and share your thoughts to make sure the issues important to you are discussed as the party platform is built. We only have a few days left to have an influence on these issues.
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Let's SAVE Iowa Schools and Water

Education proponents are concerned with the proposal. Optimistically they envision an extension of
the sales tax without strings attached or funds being split with other state programs. The Iowa Association of School Boards points
out that the proposal would cut $4.7 billion from schools through 2049, which
assumes that the tax would otherwise be extended unchanged. That’s a big chunk
of money by any standard. As a member of our local school board our district of
580 students would lose about $5 million over that time. I can think of projects that we have
discussed that this would fund, and we have not wanted to increase property
taxes or even ask through a vote. There
are always buses that need replaced and roof repairs and classroom improvements
that would be covered with that revenue.
The Governor’s proposal does provide $21.4 billion for schools over that
time which means about $24 million for our district.
There’s growing sentiment in the political class that SAVE
will not be extended in its current form for school infrastructure. The sense of urgency to repair the state’s
aging school buildings and reduce property taxes has subsided. The tax dollars have accomplished many of the
urgent needs from when it was introduced.
It’s been questioned at times because of a few facilities and projects
were fulfilling wants versus needs. According
to the House Appropriations Committee the
state budget has built-in spending obligations that exceed revenue by $54.8
million before new spending proposals are even considered this session. The
SAVE fund extension is likely to have worse proposals offered in the years to
come if the state’s budget remains this tight.
If your skeptical that the state government will extend the SAVE tax
solely for schools, this maybe a good compromise. Schools are trading about 5% of their revenue
remaining until the current “sunset” expires in 2029 for an additional 20 years
of SAVE dollars worth about $14.2 billion through 2049.
The other part of the debate is funding for the Iowa Nutrient Reduction
Strategy, a multi-billion dollar program that addresses water quality issues in
Iowa. It's a monumental task with no easy answer. It has come to forefront after the
Des Moines Waterworks sued three Iowa counties over nitrates. The proposal uses about 18.5% of the SAVE tax
dollars along with farmers’ private investments and federal dollars to make
improvements in water quality.
According to the Iowa Soil Water Future Task Force the program will – a)
dramatically reduce cities’ water treatment and flood damage costs, b) meet the
EPA Multi-State Hypoxia Task Force goal of 45% reductions in nitrogen and
phosphorus by 2030, c) create thousands of jobs for land improvement
contractors, land managers, agricultural information providers, and ag
retailers, d) enhance the quality of life in Iowa by providing natural
resources protections and increased outdoor recreation opportunities, and f)
increase the productivity, sustainability, and efficiency of Iowa’s
The Governor’s proposal has merit and I believe it is only a starting point in the debate.. As a parent, farmer, and school board member it offers funding for two high priorities, but splits them from the same source. It’s not a question of one or the other, but is the amount right for both and how will each be used. These are two initiatives that deserve everyone’s consideration and input. The proposal continues to fund our education system’s infrastructure, a critical piece of our future, at its current level with $10 million dollar increases each year through 2049, averaging around $645 million a year. Extending the SAVE tax now allows school districts to better utilize bonding for large projects with SAVE dollars to pay off bonds 15 or 20 years. The proposal uses the balance of the tax revenue to fund a share of the Nutrient Reduction Strategy to improve soil and water quality which is also an important piece of Iowa’s future. However, if tax revenues do not grow by at least $10 million in a given year water quality initiatives would get nothing. It;s not a perfect answer.
Saturday, January 9, 2016
Thanks Chipotle
I am really sincere when I
say Thank You to the Chipotle Mexican Grill restaurant chain. They
accomplished more in the last few months by demonstrating that their products
are not superior, safer or healthier than farmers did in two years of blogs
and interviews. As a proud, conscientious farmer, I also want to say thanks to Chipotle for demonstrating
to American consumers that their marketing claims and attacks on traditional
farm practices are wrong. Chipotle branded itself using all the buzzwords
to bring in health minded consumers. They were throwing “organic”,
“natural”, “GMO Free”, “Antibiotic Free”, “Locally Grown”, and about any other
catch phrase around to differentiate itself from every other fast-food
Chipotle took it one step
further by attacking the modern, science based practices we use to raise our
beef and pork in a series of internet videos. They attacked the use of
climate controlled hog and cattle barns like my family uses to improve animal
health and protect livestock from extreme weather. The use of
antibiotics even those veterinarians prescribe to treat illnesses were
demonized, and they attacked the use of FDA approved growth supplements to
improve meat quality. The premise of the stories was that the modern,
research based, farming practices made food less safe, not as nutritious, and
maybe harmful. It’s been impossible to find objective, science or health
research to back up those claims.
Then Chipotle stumbled with
a series of food borne illness outbreaks, something that shouldn’t happen based
on the chains claims. It started with one store, then a few more in the
same area. Two outbreaks involved
norovirus, three more were caused by E. coli and the other was caused by
Salmonella, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Then it spread to 500 people in ten states. The story created
to market the franchise as healthier and safer was unraveled. The
Attorney General in California with the FDA has subpoenaed the records
regarding the outbreak in Simi Valley, California. Further calling the chains
conduct into question.
Politics, people, or food
the popular marketing strategy is to divide and conquer rather than the actual
merits. In this case, a restaurant chain could have had millions of farmers and
food producers rallying around them instead of sitting on the sideline, maybe
even enjoying watching them fall. We know that food borne illnesses from
restaurants or our homes happen, typically from mishandling food during
preparation. This doesn’t make organic or natural any more or less safe
than it was before, but it shows the common truth regarding all our food.
Fresh, locally grown, organic or conventional food must
follow the FDA guidelines for safe handling and preparation, and we know from
the stats and facts that the US food supply is the safest in the world.
However, they chose to create a divide a go it alone. Thanks for
the lesson. Animal and human health as well as food safety are common bonds the should unite all food raisers and marketers.
I believe in food choices. I think consumers should have the opportunity to buy the food they wish. I think that farmers have the right to grow the crops they choose and specialty foods sold for premium, niche markets may get a higher price for their efforts. But restaurants like Chipotle should not use baseless attacks as a marketing campaign to gain acceptance. There are plenty of consumers to create a market for all food options; they should be able to choose by facts not crafted stories.
If you’re looking for “Food with Integrity” as Chipotle claims,
I’d trust the 2 million or so American family farmers who have been skeptical
if not critical all along and eat somewhere else.
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food safety,
livestock showing,
Sunday, January 3, 2016
It's Bigger than Stanford's band, America Needs Farmers
The Stanford marching band continued their tradition of
taunting opponents for the third straight Rose Bowl. I’m proud of the Hawkeye fans that found this
to be a classless depiction of the backbone of our state. There have been several stories, tweets,
posts, and blogs calling out the band for the performance. I have become less
concerned about the childish mocking and more concerned on the underlying perception
there is about the lack of sophistication of farmers.
With all the available social media where we can see which
sandwich a Hollywood star ate for lunch the “smart” students at Stanford have no clue what
goes on in American agriculture or even their state. For instance, California is number one state
in the nation when it comes to the value of agriculture products produced -
bigger than Texas and yes, it’s bigger than Iowa. That Holstein cow that was depicted in the
band’s performance is better suited in California than Iowa or even Wisconsin
since California is the nation’s top producing dairy state. The half time debacle is a good example of
the divide between the 2% of food growers on farms and the 98% of consumers who
eat it.
Retired Iowa coach Hayden Fry could have never imagined how the America Needs Farmers “ANF” campaign he started in 1985 would
have new meaning thirty years later. Now
the challenge is not about saving individual farmers from financial distress,
but educating the vast majority of people that farmers are conscientious food
producers. America Needs Farmers and we
will continue to use our resources to feed, fuel and clothe the masses as we
have for generations. This isn’t Green Acres, Little House on the
Prairie, or even SimFarm anymore.
Farmers need Americans to know that we utilize some of the
greatest technology available to anyone, that it’s science based, and that the
new technology helps us use less land, nutrients, water, and chemicals to feed
the world. Iowa farmers are adopting the
newest, best technologies to grow crops and livestock for safe, wholesome food while
protecting the environment and water.
It’s inspiring to see Iowans unite around its farmers and
the significance of our role in feeding the world. We need to remain united in our resolve for Iowa’s
food production when others attempt to split and divide us. The challenge to all Hawkeyes, Cyclones,
Panthers, and Iowans – don’t let this feeling of being disrespected by some
classless students in California fade away in your memory without action. If you
are involved in farming or agriculture take it as a challenge to share your
story and explain what you do, why you do it, and how it benefits consumers. If you are an Iowa agriculture consumer take
a few minutes to discover how your food is produced and what farmers are doing
with science and technology. Don’t be
fooled by soundbites and cute catch phrases, or taunts from critics. Food production is complex and farmers are
increasingly resourceful. Farmers
shouldn’t have to be lonely, America needs us and we need them.
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